Saturday, October 31, 2009

And the total is...

OK - Johnathan just texted again....and the total is (drum roll, please) ....

25 mature eggs!
Melissa is doing fine; she's a little sore, but nothing too bad.
Stay tuned!

And...she's out!

Hi Everyone!
Jonathan texted me and they've just finished the retrieval. Now, we just wait for the count! Say some prayers, people!


Thursday, October 29, 2009

All set for a Happy Halloween!

I met with my doctor today who informed me that things looks fantastic as far as the number and size of the follicles and estrogen level. I just need to make sure that I drink lots of water to prevent OHSS. I had a small amount of fluid in my endometrium so I was instructed to take Mucinex D until transfer as a precaution. Apparently it dries up things other than just your sinuses. The fluid isn't a huge deal, but it can make my uterine lining "spongey" for transfer. I don't really understand it, but "spongey" doesn't sound like anyplace I'd like to hang for nine months.

Egg retrieval will be on Halloween at 9am. I know not many of you will be up at 9am on a Saturday, but please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as always! I'll have Jamie give an update as soon as we know the number of eggs retrieved and then fertilized.

Transfer will be either Tuesday or Thursday, depending on egg development and quality.

Thanks everyone for reading. I really do appreciate all of your kind words, so comments are encouraged!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Busy ovaries

Hi everyone! Here is a quick update on the progress this cycle:

With an AFC of 44 as opposed to last cycle's 30, along with more FSH this month, my ovaries are very busy and pretty sore. I am incredibly happy about this because it means that we're getting even better results than last time. I'm on cycle day 9 right now and I have 31 measureable follicles compared to last cycle's 21 measureable follicles on this same day. Also, my estrogen levels are almost 1,000 points higher than this time last cycle. More estrogen = more follicles! I had an unexpected sushi lunch with my dad today as well so it turned out to be a great day. I'm hoping it was the last time I get to eat raw fish for quite a while!

Jonathan will definitely be injecting the trigger shot tomorrow night. Nancy will call us after my appointment tomorrow to tell me exactly what time to administer the shot and what time egg retrieval will be on Saturday. I have a personal goal of 30+ eggs retrieved, but we'll see what happens. I can't exactly train for this. Well, maybe that's what I've been doing for the last 3 years! I agree with one of the sonographers this week when she said, "You've certainly paid your dues; it's time for you to be pregnant!"

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

On to round two!

Hi folks! Sorry we've been MIA, but there really hasn't been much to report in the month we didn't cycle. My medication is in, including the new stuff: heparin and prednisone. As I mentioned last month, the heparin is meant to thin my blood to prevent the micro-clots from interfering with implantation and the prednisone is a steroid used for eliminating any uterine inflammation that might be present and lower my immune system just in case my body was attacking the embryos last time.

It was a bit of a surprise, but my cycle started this morning. That would have normally meant that we would head up tomorrow (day 2) to get clearance to begin taking the FSH. However, since Jonathan just happened to have an appointment in the same building today, our wonderful nurse let me do my cycle check one day early to keep us from having to drive any more than we already do. I won't know what my estrogen levels are until tomorrow, but she said everything looks great so we should be good to go.

What I DO know is that my AFC was 44 today! Last cycle it was 30 and we got plenty of eggs at retrieval, but the 50% higher count means that we could get even more eggs this time! That is very good news for us and a fantastic start to the new cycle. Let's pray things keep going this well. With the new protocol and today's AFC, we really hope this is a sign of great things coming our way!

Oh, one more thing. Our retrieval is tentatively scheduled for October 31. Yep, Halloween and more importantly, Gators vs. Dawgs. If the Gators can make them look like chihuahuas, I'll take that as another good sign! (Please still pray for us if you're a GA fan! We need it!)