Thursday, September 3, 2009

Frozen embryos

Well, of the eight embryos that we did not transfer on Monday, three were frozen that day because they looked happy and healthy enough that they might be able to survive thaw. The other five were watched (I like to picture the embryologists babysitting the little guys) to see if they continued in their growth and could be frozen along with the others. Only one of the five kept growing and looked healthy enough to survive thaw and was frozen yesterday. That leaves us with a total of four frozen embryos if it is determined that a frozen IVF cycle would benefit us if this cycle isn't successful. Hopefully we won't ever have to worry about that!


  1. Honey, you sound so sad - it will be okay - You are going to make a great Mom!!!

    Love Ya!

  2. Lissa, I have said before the God has a plan, Please keep that in the front of your mind. We do love you so and only wish the VERY best for you and that darlin' little hubby of yours. Love you BUNCHES, Aunt Marcie
