Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Five-Day transfer!

Nancy call me this morning and told me that we would not be transferring the embryos today! Yahoo! That means that we will be doing a five-day transfer on Thursday. This is really great news. It means our embryos look healthy enough to keep on growing in that petri dish. The process will weed out some of the weaker embryos in the next two days, and allow a great success rate for us!

If you're interested in the details of why this is the case, here is an article for you. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2700692/

Nancy will call tomorrow with a transfer time for Thursday. I'll keep you posted on our appointment time.


  1. I just re-read that post about the Gators making UGA look like chihuahuas and realized that it happened!! Another good sign!

  2. I'm doing a cheer for my embryo cousins, and a happy dance. so I have a super good feeling about this.

  3. This is such awesome news! *clapping rapidly*
