Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Busy ovaries

Hi everyone! Here is a quick update on the progress this cycle:

With an AFC of 44 as opposed to last cycle's 30, along with more FSH this month, my ovaries are very busy and pretty sore. I am incredibly happy about this because it means that we're getting even better results than last time. I'm on cycle day 9 right now and I have 31 measureable follicles compared to last cycle's 21 measureable follicles on this same day. Also, my estrogen levels are almost 1,000 points higher than this time last cycle. More estrogen = more follicles! I had an unexpected sushi lunch with my dad today as well so it turned out to be a great day. I'm hoping it was the last time I get to eat raw fish for quite a while!

Jonathan will definitely be injecting the trigger shot tomorrow night. Nancy will call us after my appointment tomorrow to tell me exactly what time to administer the shot and what time egg retrieval will be on Saturday. I have a personal goal of 30+ eggs retrieved, but we'll see what happens. I can't exactly train for this. Well, maybe that's what I've been doing for the last 3 years! I agree with one of the sonographers this week when she said, "You've certainly paid your dues; it's time for you to be pregnant!"

1 comment:

  1. I will be keeping my fingers crossed and knees and eyes!!!!!!!!!! Just hang in Lissa, we do love you so. WHAT? You and you Daddy eat raw fish, don't you just love the commercial with the little girl who asks her Mom, Did you ever catch amenched fish, refering to fish sticks. I love that commercial. Love Aunt Marcie
