Thursday, November 26, 2009

3rd beta results

Happy Thanksgiving!

Jonathan and I are so blessed to have each other and our wonderful families and friends. We cannot believe how much extra we have to be thankful for this year!

Even though my third beta came back at 10,107 (nope, not a typo), it is still hard to imagine there is a little Strunk or two happily growing away while I go about my daily life. Other than short bouts of nausea and headaches if I wait too long after I feel hungry to eat something, I don't feel pregnant. I'm sure that will change.

I'll be six weeks pregnant on Saturday so the clinic was able to schedule my first ultrasound for next week. Even though the baby will only be about the size of a pea, we should be able to see the heart beating. I'm pretty sure it will be even more incredible than seeing the embryos "ride in" on an air bubble as we did exactly three weeks ago today.

Please think of all three (maybe four) of us on Wednesday afternoon. We hope and pray that our little Strunk is healthy and happy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, We are so happy down here in Farmville!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Try to get a picture for us. I told you that it would happen when the good lord was ready> We do love you so. Love More Than You Know, Aunt Marcy
